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Top 31 Digital Nomad Blogs to Inspire You

Let’s be honest unless you’ve been living under a rock recently, you’ll probably be aware of the digital nomad way of living and working. Essentially, if you combine remote working or the self-employed digital entrepreneur life with backpacking vibes, you’re not far off what a digital nomad is. 

Put simply, a digital nomad is someone who travels around the world and works from their computer or laptop to support themselves. It’s not one big holiday, it’s not quite becoming a full expat, but it’s a more flexible place in between. 

So, if you’re thinking about becoming a digital nomad but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place. I’ve collated the top 31 digital nomad blogs to inspire you and help make your digital nomad dreams a reality!

Top Digital Nomad Blogs to Follow

So, without further ado, here are some of the best digital nomad blogs that you need to check out and follow. These are 100% in no particular order, and they all have different niches that make them worth a read!

1. Nomadic Matt

Okay, so Nomadic Matt has to be one of the most famous digital nomad blogs out there. Going since 2008, when many of us didn’t even know if remote work was a thing, let alone digital nomadism, Matt has been sharing his words of wisdom with millions of people across the globe,

Nomadic Matt’s most famous pieces revolve around traveling and working abroad on a budget. His tips and tricks for getting super cheap flights are legendary and his blog posts from his life on the road are really inspiring. This fantastic site will have you searching Skyscanner in no time at all. 

2. The Lifestyle Hunter

Pilar, the woman behind The Lifestyle Hunter has lived, worked, and traveled all around the world. Whether that’s moving to Zimbabwe or South Africa to work, volunteering in India or the Netherlands, or studying in Panama or Austria, Pilar knows how to live, work, and thrive abroad.

What’s super interesting about The Lifestyle Hunter is the focus on travel and work abroad scholarships. In the past, Pilar has used scholarships to get placements and positions in other countries, without having to spend a fortune or save up for ages. Now, she has a ton of content and resources on how you can do the same.

3. Alajode

Looking to travel and live around the world in a mindful and responsible way? Well then, it’s time to check out Alajode’s amazing blog. She picked up and started her digital nomad lifestyle in Malaysia back in 2017 and hasn’t looked back since. 

While a lot of digital nomad blogs revolve around how-to guides, Alajode is more inspirational and shows you how to strike a good work-life balance while you’re a digital nomad. After all, one of the major perks of being a digital nomad is the flexibility to explore new and exciting places after you clock off from work!

4. Wandering Earl

Wandering Earl is a super cool blog that’s run by a guy called…Derek? So, Earl is Derek’s middle name and apparently, it sounded better than Wandering Derek – I’ll leave that with you.

Regardless of the name, Derek left for a three-month backpacking trip around Southeast Asia and then never came home. That was 20 years ago. It’s insane. 

He’s traveled and worked all around the world and now even runs small group trips all around the world. His site is a wealth of two decades worth of knowledge, with different sections for work and travel, perspectives on traveling, a whole food section, and much, much more.

It’s a really comprehensive site and definitely worth checking out if you want to make the jump to digital nomadism. 

5. Hobo With A Laptop

If you’re thinking of starting a digital nomad lifestyle with kiddos in tow, then you’re going to want to check out Hobo With A Laptop. Mike and Oshin who run the site, worked virtually together before eloping and enjoying a nomadic lifestyle with their two kids.

In fact, they’re looking to buy a boat and live at sea when the kids are old enough!

The site is full of great tips for living and working on a budget as well as making sure that you’re saving at the same time. Traveling the world is great, but Hobo With A Laptop recognizes that you need some savings to fall back on or to use in the future when situations change.

6. The Blog Abroad

Glo, who runs The Blog Abroad is an amazing travel blogger and digital nomad who has visited and/or lived in 70+ countries at this point. So, wherever you’re thinking about moving to first, there’s a decent chance that Glo has been there and written about it!

A lot of Glo’s posts and articles revolve around how she makes money while she travels and how she affords to travel in the first place. Budgeting is a huge part of becoming a digital nomad and if you’re not great with money and keeping to a budget, then there’s a good chance that you might not be cut out to be a digital nomad. 

7. Adventure In You

Adventure In You is run by Tom and Anna who have been traveling across numerous continents for years now. They’ve been traveling around the world, building up their blog until it was big enough to make money, and now they show other people how to make money from travel blogging. 

Interestingly, Adventure In You also has a ton of gear reviews and recommendations from travel must-haves to digital nomad kit lists to hiking and outdoorsy gear. It definitely helps you figure out what you might need before you pack up your life and set out on your digital nomad adventure. 

I‘ve lived abroad for many years and love helping others find work abroad and figure out their “Move Abroad Plan.” Check out my class below to get you started ASAP!

move abroad master class

8. Anna Everywhere

Want to know what it’s like to live,  work, and even study all around the world? Anna from Anna Everywhere has been living that digital nomad life for around 15 years now. In fact, she’s studied at seven different universities all over the world and can speak multiple languages. 

Now traveling around with her kids, Anna Everywhere has a good mix of digital nomad content, information about traveling with children, and a lot of very specific move-abroad guides for the places she’s lived in over the years. Places like Playa Del Carmen in Mexico, living in South Africa, and even how to register a child that’s been born overseas.

9. The Broke Backpacker

Will, otherwise known as The Broke Backpacker, specializes in budget travel. As if the name didn’t give it away! Surviving in foreign countries on as low as $10 a day, Will shares his tips for traveling, and still enjoying yourself, on a budget.

As the site has grown more popular and profitable, Will has built out a huge work and travel section which includes dozens of articles on digital nomadism, working abroad, teaching English abroad, and so much more. He doesn’t shy away from the reality of living and working abroad which can sometimes have its downsides, so make sure you check those posts out too!

10. Barbaralicious 

Looking for a digital nomad blog that’s in German? Barbaralicious is a gorgeous site, run by the titular Barbara who has lived and traveled all around the world, but primarily around Europe and Asia. 

She’s a digital nomad who writes a ton of travel guides and books in addition to running her site, so it’s jam-packed and full of great ways to make money from your writing. If you love cooking as well, the site has plenty of recipes that Barbara has collected during her travels, so this amazing digital nomad blog ticks a lot of boxes.

11. Justyn Jen

Justyn’s story is super interesting, having dropped out of college to travel with just $100 to her name and taking on gigs as a virtual assistant to support her adventures. Since then, she’s traveled to a whole host of countries and has set up her own Pinterest Marketing company, which is a different track for the travel blogging and digital nomad scene. 

As a part of her business, Justyn runs courses about making the most of your business on Pinterest and sells a ton of downloadables on her website. Her blog is full of great digital nomad resources to help you find the best destinations and ways to set up your new life!

12. Expert Vagabond

Want to learn about the digital nomad lifestyle from someone who’s done it for over 10 years? Check out Expert Vagabond, run by Matt, who’s embraced budget travel and the digital nomad lifestyle for over a decade now. 

He has separate sections on his blog solely dedicated to getting the most out of your digital nomad lifestyle. There’s everything from how to get paid to travel to making passive income on the road to how to set up your digital nomad life in the first place!

13. Goats on the Road 

Nick & Dariece, otherwise known as the Goats on the Road, are a traditional couple with a six-figure income in Canada who gave it all up in their 30s to hit the road to become digital nomads and travel the world. Their amazing site is full of advice for how to make money while you’re out on the road and can enjoy life to the fullest.

They also have a huge remote jobs ebook, which is a great place to start when you want to become a digital nomad but aren’t sure what you’re qualified to do. If you need some inspiration to help you figure out the financial practicalities of becoming a digital nomad, this is the blog for you!

move abroad starter kit

14. Wander Onwards 

Well, doesn’t this one look familiar? I couldn’t have a list of amazing digital nomad blogs and not include my own, could I? I back myself!

So because I’ve lived and worked all around the world doing different jobs from teaching English to working in tech, I’ve gone through the digital nomad process a lot!

My site is jam-packed full of amazing digital nomad resources from things you might want to consider before making the leap, checklists to follow, and even updated articles about all the new digital nomad visas. If you haven’t checked out my digital nomad hub – what are you waiting for, you’re already here!

15. The Blonde Abroad

Kiki, the driving force behind the award-winning The Blonde Abroad blog, has been working and traveling all around the world since 2011. She quit her job in finance and started traveling, but it wasn’t long until it became a lifestyle.

Her amazing blog focuses on female solo travel and empowering women to take the adventurous leap and explore the world on their own. Although the site is geared towards travel and adventuring, there are whole sections and downloadable resources about making money while you’re traveling and how to build up your blog so that it’s profitable in the long run. 

16. Legal Nomads

The amazing thing about the digital nomad world is discovering just how many careers and jobs you can do entirely remotely. Jodi, the person behind Legal Nomads, was a lawyer, who decided to travel the world.

Along the way she’s lived all over the world, developing a passion and a niche for food and photography, and unfortunately had a medical accident that has left her with accessibility issues.

On her blog, Jodi talks about all of this through the lens of a digital nomad and also has a full resource section for people who want to jump into the nomadic way of life. 

17. I am Aileen

Aileen has been a solo traveler and digital nomad entrepreneur since the age of 21 when she quit her corporate job in the Philippines and hit the road. Now she helps other people live their digital nomad dreams through personal development tips and tricks, that help you get where you want to go.

She also shares tons of digital nomad and remote working content from all over the world. After all, Aileen has traveled to all seven continents at this point! If you’re interested in photography, Aileen also sells a load of amazing Lightroom Presets to help bring your travel content to life.

18. Girl Gone Abroad

Having visited over 50 countries and now living as a full-time traveler and digital nomad, Girl Gone Abroad is a hub of knowledge when it comes to nomadic lifestyle content. From giving full destination run-downs from the digital nomad point of view to packing lists of photography gear for running a blog abroad to articles about when should you pack in the digital nomad life and think about becoming an expat, she covers it all.

Girl Gone Abroad is a really comprehensive digital nomad blog and the photography is so, so good and will definitely inspire you to pick up your passport and plan your next adventure. 

19. Explorista

If you’re still on Facebook, you might have come across the Female Digital Nomads community. They’re a great soundboard for any questions or queries, or if you’re just looking for inspiration. The creator of this community is Milou, and she also runs Explorista and a separate Dutch version of the site. 

Milou’s whole goal is to help women live location-independent lives and get all the flexibility and happiness that can come with that kind of lifestyle. As such, this is basically a bible for all things digital nomadism, especially if you’re living a nomadic lifestyle as a solo female traveler.

20. Never Ending Voyage

Thinking about becoming a digital nomad as part of a couple? It’s a different dynamic and you need to make sure that each decision works for both of you. Luckily, Simon and Erin from Never Ending Voyage have been roaming the world successfully and making money for over a decade.

Although they make a decent amount of money from their blog, Simon also dove headfirst into the world of web design and web development, making apps that help make traveling a lot easier. As they say on their site, as long as there’s an internet connection, you can live the digital nomad lifestyle!

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21. The Planet D

There’s a stereotypical view of digital nomads all being in their 20s and 30s, but that’s not really that accurate. Dave and Deb from The Planet D run one of the most popular travel and digital nomad sites out there and only started their digital nomad life after 25 years of marriage, proving that you can adventure and switch things up at any age.

Their nomadic living section is amazing, with sections on different kinds of remote jobs, how to make money out of your blog, and even posts about becoming a housesitter or living in a campervan. It’s super diverse and really interesting to follow along with the couple’s journey. 

22. Jessie on a Journey

Want to make your blog profitable so you can travel around and make money from anywhere in the world? That’s pretty much the ultimate digital nomad dream, right? Well, Jessie from Jessie on a Journey is here to help you achieve that dream.

As the host of the Profitable Travel Blogger Podcast and an award-winning blogger, you know that you’re in great hands. Jessie will show you how to leverage affiliate marketing, find sponsorship deals, and improve the marketing of your blog, all with the aim of having a location-independent lifestyle. She even runs courses and consultations to help you on an individualized level.

23. Packs Light

Gabby Beckford is the driving force behind the amazing Packs Light, which aims to get everyone traveling, seeing the world, and seizing opportunities as soon as possible. As a Gen Z travel blogger and digital nomad, Gabby has a fresh take on traveling, remote working, studying abroad, and more. 

Her digital nomad section is full of downloadable ebooks and guides, as well as a ton of links to her super successful YouTube and TikTok accounts where she shares even more tips and travel wisdom. She even includes tips for writing study abroad grants and subsidies so that you can get set up and live abroad without having to save for years on end. 

24. A Globe Well Travelled 

Travel and sustainability don’t always go hand in hand – after all, it’s hard to ignore the emissions from flights for starters! However, Ashlea and her husband Rob specialize in sustainable travel and living the digital nomad lifestyle in a more sustainable and mindful way. 

This blog is full of amazing eco-conscious travel tips and tricks that honestly, any traveler should read, let alone digital nomads! They also have a whole section dedicated to travel jobs, so you can learn about the different types of digital nomad work, how to best work from hotel rooms, and how to score those more consistent remote gigs. 

25. Too Many Adapters

Okay, so this blog is a little different from any of the others on this list. Too Many Adapters is all about the tech that you’re going to need while you’re traveling.

That goes double for anyone living a digital nomad life. After all, digital is in the name of the lifestyle!

From the best SIM cards to get in different countries to how to get connected and up and running in other places to the best gear to take on your travels. Once you’ve chosen where you’re starting your digital nomad life and what job you’re going to be doing, check out this site for your next digital nomad shopping list. 

26. Adventure Catcher

Follow Kinga, originally from Poland, as she lives out her full-time traveling and digital nomad life, picking up a tip or two along the way. She sold her car and bought a one-way ticket to Australia and hasn’t looked back since.

In addition to some seriously inspiring city and country guides, Adventure Catcher has tips for building a successful travel blog.

You can find step-by-step guides for creating great content while you’re on the road, check out lists of KInga’s favorite travel and digital nomad essentials, and much more!

27. Two Tickets Anywhere

Matt and Ashley met in college and when they graduated created a digital marketing agency. Eventually, the couple realized that they didn’t need to be sitting at home running their own digital agency, so they packed up their lives and became digital nomads, living all over the world. 

Their whole site is all about becoming a digital nomad, successfully working online, building creative, location-independent skills, and just a ton of practical content about how to set up a new life abroad. As the couple runs their own business out of different co-working spaces, it’s a cool and realistic look at running a company as a digital nomad. 

private coachig session

28. Tales of a Backpacker

Claire, originally from rainy Manchester in the UK, has been living, working, and writing about travel since 2013 when she moved to sunny Barcelona. Since then, she’s lived and worked all around the world and documented her experiences along the way.

Her site has a ton of knowledge in different sections from foodie travel to digital nomadism to van life and work exchanges. So, there are tons of different options that you can check out for living and working abroad. One of the best things about this site is all the free downloadable resources and checklists – so, so useful!

29. My Funky Travel

Looking to live and work abroad on a budget? Well then, you need to check out My Funky Travel. It’s definitely geared towards budget-conscious travelers and digital nomads who don’t have the fortune to be spending on co-working spaces and all the latest tech.

One of the cool things about this blog is their cost of living section which gets broken down by continent, so you can see which countries you can afford to live in and which ones might be too pricey to live and work in right now. When you’re getting started as a digital nomad, a low cost of living is key until you start to find your way!

30. Minority Nomad

Erick from Minority Nomad is a travel blogger, vlogger, and photographer who travels the world and shares his honest opinions of the places he visits. As he’s been living and working all around the world, Minority Nomad has a huge number of posts, articles, and resources that you can check out, especially if you’re a solo male digital nomad. 

Some of his articles include topics like the men’s guide to dating abroad, what every digital nomad needs to get started, and a whole host of amazing destination guides. It’s well worth checking out.  

31. Freaking Nomads

We’re finishing super strong with Freaking Nomads. This super cool blog is also a regular newsletter geared toward giving you all the information you need to become a successful digital nomad. One of the cool things about this site is that it’s run by a series of digital nomads and editors who all share their experiences and expertise. 

So, you can get the benefit of loads of people’s experiences, discover new tips and be the first to hear all the latest digital nomad news, right in your inbox. Even if you don’t actively go and read the blog, I’d 100% recommend signing up for the newsletter if you’re thinking about becoming a digital nomad.

Okay, so there you have it! Who are your favorite digital nomad bloggers and influencers? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll be sure to check them out. 

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Greg |

Sunday 18th of August 2024

Thank you for taking the time to put this list together. As a digital nomad who's spent around 5 years in SE Asia, this is a welcome resource!